30-74 31st Street, Astoria NY 11102
Services on Sundays 11am, Thursdays 7pm
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God has an amazing divine plan for your live

Victor Adedokun, Lead Pastor
He delivers messages of hope, redemption, revival and restoration with great sense of urgency and passion. With such an unusual grace for teaching; he engages his audience on the need to absolutely dedicate their lives to God.
Believing in the power of the Holy Spirit and priesthood of all believers, his desire is to see every born again child of God represent God in every area of their lives, and to do such with gusto. This is his guiding principle and it reverberates whenever and wherever he displays his servitude to his Master or whenever opportuned to deliver God's message.
With backgrounds in Mathematics and Statistiics, Management Information Systems, and a Doctorate in Theology, he has been actively involved in full time ministry close to 15 years.
Prior to founding †he Redemption House, He was the Executive Pastor at Christ Life Ministries, a place where he served faithfully for 13 years. He had also held other secular managerial positions in the past.
Pastor Victor believes this is the final opportunity for the church to do everything to manifest our light fully, and add our salt flavor effusively, as we prepare to usher in the second return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
He is happily married to Ibukun Adedokun, a licensed Minister who serve alongside her husband, and their union is blessed with three beautiful children, Ifeoluwa, Ikeoluwa and Iyanuloluwa who gladly serve together with their parents in the ministry.
Coming up - Other Team Members